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Serious Card Counting Information

The information on Blackjack Hero related to card counting is admittedly aimed at beginners. I've made every effort to make the information accessible and accurate. But in no way do I think that the card counting information on my site compared with what you'll find at the unlikely named "" cardcounting site. Card Counting Software offers multiple blackjack and card counting software packages called Casino Vérité. The software aims to provide an aspiring card counter and blackjack player with an experience that accurately simulates what you'll find at a real casino. The software provides opportunities for practice play and also includes blackjack calculators. The software available includes:

  1. Casino Vérité Blackjack - This software is for novices and pros. It includes several drills so that you can learn how to count cards BEFORE going to the casino to actually play in real life.

  2. Casino Vérité CV - Blueprint - This is a software companion to a book called Blackjack Blueprint. It's half the price of the previous software package.

  3. CVCX - This is a specialty project that offers risk and bankroll analysis as well as card counting simulations.

  4. CVData - This simulator is intended for more advanced blackjack players and card counters.

  5. CVShuffle - This is software for aspiring shuffle trackers.

  6. CVData/ShuffleTrack - This software is aimed at aspiring hole card players.

Unlike most of the other top trafficked blackjack websites, has an actual product line for sale. The software packages range from $47 to $150, depending on which software you decide to purchase. Free demo versions of the software are also available on the site.

Multiple well-known blackjack and card counting experts recommend the Qfit blackjack software, including: Recommended Blackjack Books

Like Hit or Stand, Qfit offers a list of recommended blackjack books along with links to the Amazon pages for those books. They list a LOT of blackjack books to read.

Pai Gow Poker Software and Sports Betting Software also offers Pai Gow Poker software and some sports betting software. These products generally have lower prices than the blackjack software discussed above.

According to their about us page, Qfit has been producing blackjack and card counting software packages since 1993.

It's a great site, clearly explaining what they have for sale. The only things I would change if it were my site would be to make the pricing for the software more prominent and to provide more pages of free content for casual web browsers. This would draw in more traffic and potential customers. On the other hand, Qfit gets more traffic than my site, so who am I to say?

USA Players Accepted US Players and Credit Card, BitCoin Deposits Accepted!

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