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Ultimate Blackjack Tour - Episode 5

UBT Players This Week

Seat 1 - Blair Rodman - An all-around tournament player who loves to gamble on anything. Wrote "Kill Phil," which is a best-selling poker guide for beginners.

Seat 2 - Spencer Mohler - Qualified for the UBT by playing online.

Seat 3 - Dewey Tomko - A poker pro who owns his own casino.

Seat 4 - Norm Sheridan - A gambler with 3 decades of Blackjack experience.

Seat 5 - Patrick Taylor - An accountant and seasoned card player.

Seat 6 - S.H. Long - Son of a famous card counter. Today is his birthday.

Seat 7 - Adriana Jade - A native of Thailand who is skilled in karate. Has been playing Blackjack for about 5 years.

The Action

Hand 1 - Blair bets $2000. Spencer bets $3000. Dewey bets $5000. Norm bets $3000. Patrick bets the minimum of $1000. S.H. makes an aggressive bet of $10,000. Adriana wagers $4000.

Adriana gets dealt a blackjack. The dealer is showing an ace. Blair buys insurance. Adriana also buys insurance, but for even money. The dealer flips over her hole card and reveals a blackjack. Adriana takes a $14,000 lead over the competition.

Hand 2 - S.H. Long is in last place, so he bets $15,000 in an effort to catch up. Everyone ends up getting dealt a 20 by the dealer except Long, who gets a 12. He hits and busts, causing him to fall further behind.

Hand 3- The dealer busts on this hand, and Dewey Tomko moves into first place.

Dewey's lead doesn't last long, however. He goes on a multi-hand losing streak, eventually falling $70,000 out of first place.

Hand 7 - With the elimination hand around the corner, Dewey tries desperately to get back into the game. He goes all-in, but a dealer blackjack sends him home early.

Hand 8 - The first elimination hand. Spencer makes a secret bet and wagers $32,000. Blair bets $22,000. Norm bets $20,000. Patrick bets $11,000. S.H. only bets $3000. Adriana bets $17,000. Dealer shows an Ace. Spencer is dealt a 19 and stays. Blair is dealt a 13 and stays. Norm is dealt a 17 and surrenders. Patrick is dealt a 12 and hits to 18. S.H. Long is dealt a 14 and doubles down. Adriana stays on a 14.

Spencer takes a secret action card and buys $10,000 in insurance. Norm and S.H. Long also buy insurance. The dealer has 2 aces and eventually busts. This causes a tie for last place between Norm and S.H.

Because of this, the two men will play two hands just between themselves. At the end of the two hands, the player with less money will be eliminated.

On the first hand, Norm bets $1000 and S.H. bets $3000. Norm is dealt a 14, while S.H. is dealt a 7. Norm stays on 14, and S.H. hits to 11 and then to 21. The dealer shows a 6 with a 5 in the hole, but she hits and gets a blackjack.

On the next tiebreaker hand, S.H. bets $1000 and Norm bets $5000. S.H. is dealt a 17, while Norm gets dealt an 11. The dealer shows an Ace. S.H. stays on 17. Norm buys insurance and then hits to 21. Dealer has another ace in the hole. S.H. needs the dealer to get a 21 for him to win. Dealer draws to 12, then to 19. S.H. Long becomes the 2nd player to be eliminated. Patrick is now in the lead with $137,500.

Hand 13 - Norm went all-in with $57,000. A dealer blackjack makes Norm to 3rd player to be eliminated.

Hand 14 - Adriana goes all-in from last place. The dealer busts and the Thai native jumps up into 3rd place.

Hand 15 - As the elimination hand approaches, Patrick regains the lead with a total of $136,500.

Hand 16 - The 2nd elimination hand. Adriana is back in last place, and Blair is in next to last place.

Adriana decides to make a secret bet and wagers $98,000, all but $1000 of her bankroll. Blair makes a secret bet of $27,000. Spencer bets $35,000. Patrick bets $20,000.

Blair is dealt an 8. He uses a secret action card and doubles down for $3000. His next card puts him to 12. Spencer is dealt a 17 and stays. Patrick is dealt a 16 and stays. Adriana is dealt a 14 and stays. Dealer shows a 5 and has a king in the hole. The dealer hits again and busts.

Patrick becomes the next player eliminated, and we are now down to just Blair, Spencer, and Adriana. Adriana is now in the lead with $197,000.

Hand 21 - Spencer bets $30,000 and then doubles down to $60,000. The dealer busts and Spencer takes the lead over Blair (who had moved ahead of Adriana on previous hands).

But a few hands later, Adriana moves into the lead and battles back and forth with Blair.

Hand 25 - The final elimination hand. Adriana has $322,000 and bets $40,000. Spencer has $280,000 and bets $100,000. Blair has $330,000 and bets $45,000.

Blair is dealt a 16 and doubles down to $75,000. Spencer is dealt an 11 and doubles down to $280,000. Adriana is dealt an 11 and doubles down to $80,000. The dealer shows a jack. Blair draws to 17. Adriana hits to 16. The dealer reveals her hole card and it is another jack, giving her a total of 20.

Spencer needs to draw a 9 or 10 to stay in the game. He draws an ace and is eliminated. We are now down to our last two players.

Hand 26 - Blair leads Adriana by $13,000. He bets $12,000, while Adriana wagers $27,000.

Blair is dealt an 18, while Adriana is also dealt an 18. Dealer shows an 8, with a 9 in the hole. Both players stay on an 18, and Adriana takes the lead.

Hand 27 - Adriana bets $1000, while Blair bets $10,000.

Adriana gets a 13 and stays. Blair gets a 17 and stays. The dealer shows a 4, with a 10 in the hole. The dealer draws to 17. Blair wins the hand, but Adriana keeps the lead.

Hand 28 - Blair bets $5000, and Adriana bets $5000. Blair is dealt a 19 and stays. Adriana gets a blackjack. Dealer has a 16 and draws to 18. Adriana has a $3000 lead over Blair.

Hand 29 - Blair bets $10,000, while Adriana only bets $1000. Blair is dealt a 13. Adriana is dealt an ace and a 4. The dealer shows an 8. Blair hits to 17 and stays. Adriana hits to a 7 or 17, then hits to a 16. She hits one more time and stays on a 17. Since the dealer also has a 17, it's a push. Adriana keeps her $3000 lead over Blair.

Hand 30 - The final hand. Blair has to bet first, and he wagers $60,000. Adriana matches his bet with $60,000. Blair is dealt a 13 and doubles down to $120,000. Adriana is dealt a 19 and stays. The dealer shows a 6 (with a 2 in the hole). The dealer hits to 19.

Blair needs a 7 or 8 to win. Unfortunately for him, he gets a queen and busts. Adriana Jade is the winner.

Not only does she gets a stack of cash and a UBT medallion, she also gets a seat at the UBT Tournament of Champions, where $500,000 is on the line.

Join us November 11th at 1pm Eastern for a special all-female edition of the UBT. The match will feature such lovely ladies as Jennifer Tilly, Monica Reeves, and Annie Duke.

Ultimate Blackjack Tour - Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6

USA Players Accepted US Players and Credit Card, BitCoin Deposits Accepted!