Blackjack Payouts and Blackjack Odds

Have you ever thought about the payouts you receive in a game of blackjack? Oh I am sure you have thought about it in terms of money. You know not to play in a game of blackjack if the payout for a natural is 6-5 because it means you will receive less money. But have … Continue reading Blackjack Payouts and Blackjack Odds

Blackjack Odds: Another Reason to Cut Insurance from Your Blackjack Strategy

Some players are die hard about insurance and blackjack. They insist on insurance remaining a part of their blackjack strategy. It has been explained numerous times why insurance is bad for your blackjack odds. For one thing it is a side bet. Side bets were created with the purpose of squeezing even more money out … Continue reading Blackjack Odds: Another Reason to Cut Insurance from Your Blackjack Strategy

Blackjack Odds: Stiff Hand Frequency

Stiff hands are the most awful hands to get in a game of blackjack. In terms of your blackjack moral, you immediately feel bummed out because you know that stiff hands are the toughest hands to play out. And in terms of blackjack odds, well, they are just hard on your blackjack odds. In blackjack, … Continue reading Blackjack Odds: Stiff Hand Frequency

Blackjack Odds on Busting: Who and How Often

Busting comes with one of two feelings in blackjack. Either you are quite pleased because the dealer busted, or you are none too pleased because you busted. Your blackjack odds for busting is about once out of every six hands. That equates to around 16% of the time. And that is if you are a … Continue reading Blackjack Odds on Busting: Who and How Often

Blackjack Odds: Face Up Games

Blackjack games, in general, come in two varieties. Forget house rules and blackjack variations for the moment. I am talking about run of the mill, general casino blackjack. When you walk into a brick and mortar casino and amble your way over to the blackjack tables you will see two types of games right off … Continue reading Blackjack Odds: Face Up Games

Blackjack Odds of Winning

Time to test your blackjack knowledge: What are the blackjack odds of winning if you ignore the ties? The answer is 48%. Pushes, also known as ties, will happen around 9% of the time. But excluding those pushes, your odds of winning are 48% of the time with you and 52% of the time against … Continue reading Blackjack Odds of Winning

Blackjack Odds with a Dealer 5 or 6

Okay this one is something of a blackjack myth, but it does have an impact on your blackjack odds. Players tend to believe that when the dealer deals himself a 5 or 6 up that they are sure to win. They know that 5s and 6s are the weakest up cards for the dealer to … Continue reading Blackjack Odds with a Dealer 5 or 6

Blackjack Odds of Winning and Losing

What makes blackjack one of the most popular casino games out there? Simply put, it is the myth that blackjack is the one casino game in which the player can gain the edge and beat the house. Truthfully that can happen. But it does not happen just from sitting down at the blackjack table or … Continue reading Blackjack Odds of Winning and Losing