Truth About Single Deck Blackjack

While blackjack may have started out a single deck card game years and years ago, it has evolved since those days into a mere shadow of its former self. The odds have changed and so have so has its payout.

Which is why I shook my head and laughed when I read an article written by someone who obviously knew nothing about blackjack. According to them the best thing about single deck blackjack and their best reason for choosing a single deck game was because you got to hold the cards and could literally slap down a blackjack on the table.

Really? That is your reason for opting for single deck blackjack?

Well, buddy, you can enjoy that slapping and card holding but there are some things about single deck blackjack that will make a seasoned blackjack player who knows the truth about modern single deck games are more likely to seek out a multi deck game. And here is why:

Single deck blackjack games will, nine times out of ten, will offer a 6-5 payout as opposed to the good ol