True Insurance Odds

Earlier today I explained how the odds of an insurance bet in blackjack are not equivalent to the payout, making it an unfair blackjack wager.

Yes, fair wagers do exist. Take that single number roulette wager. It carries 36-1 odds and has a 36-1 payout. That makes it a fair wager.

We already determined this morning that if in the first round of blackjack that the dealer had an Ace showing and neither of your cards were worth 10 that the odds were 2.0625-1, which does not equal the 2-1 payout that the house offers.

But that is an unlikely scenario. So let

True Insurance Odds

Chances are you have heard countless times that you should not take insurance in blackjack. Does not matter if you are playing blackjack online or in a brick and mortar casino. It still stands that you do not take insurance in blackjack no matter what. You have been told that you are losing money faster to the house when taking insurance in blackjack.

And yet, there are players who still take insurance in blackjack.

Those of you who do take insurance, are you really aware of the odds on insurance? Do you know that you are not receiving a payout that is equivalent to the odds, which is a further rip-off on the casino

Do You Really Know What Insurance is?

When it comes to insurance for our cars and homes we sometimes feel as if we are being ripped off. We tend to groan and take a grudging feeling towards it. We have to pay and pay and pay.

And yet a good many blackjack players do not have an issue insuring their hands in a game of blackjack.

As a player you will come across insurance no matter where you play blackjack. If you play blackjack online you will find it. If you play in a brick and mortar casino you will still find it. It is the casinos

Insurance and Online Blackjack

In the majority of cases I would say to avoid taking insurance in blackjack as if that insurance were the plague. Only because it is a kind of sneaky way for the casinos to try to squeeze a little more money out of you.

Lucky for us when casinos offer this play that isn

Basic Strategy and Insurance

The majority of blackjack players play the smart way. Meaning that they play according to basic strategy. They start out with the chart and in time, either through playing many, many times or from studying it, are able to play without the chard on hard because they know what plays to make and when.

Playing blackjack