21 Things to Avoid When Playing Blackjack

This will be the last in this little series. And while it seems most of these can be applied to land based casino blackjack, a fair amount of them can be applied to online blackjack as well.

While you aren

21 Things to Avoid When Playing Blackjack

Recently I came across some blackjack tips that can help to not only improve your game, but to also make the gaming experience more enjoyable. Some of these tips can be applied to both land based casinos and online casinos; others might only apply to land based.

Take the wisdom from this, blackjack players.

  1. Don

To: The State of Florida, From: Blackjack Fans

This has been going on for awhile now. In the state of Florida the Seminole Tribe and state law makers are still in a stalemate about whether the Tribe should be allowed to have table games, including blackjack, in all seven of their casinos. I started following this closely. And then a little less closely. And a little less closely. Then it was just a part of my routine. The same things were being said over and over again.

Let me sum it up: In 2007 Florida Governor Charlie Crist stuck a compact with the Seminoles that allowed them to have table games. State law makers weren

Mommy is a Blackjack Player?!

What do you think of when you think of Blackjack players? Do you think of broad shouldered man with slicked back hair? A guy in a suit with a drink in his hand and a cigarette sticking out the corner of his mouth? Or maybe a woman with a cocktail dress on, a martini in hand, and styled hair? But you think someone with that casino sort of look or at least someone with style and some sophistication.

What about a mother?

Yes, that