Easiest Way to Lower the House Edge

While blackjack is a game of skill, meaning that the players have a say in how they can play out their hands, that skill requires practice. Or the use of a strategy. In most cases such skills and strategies require time and effort and energy. But everyone will try to find the easiest and fastest way to lower the house edge. Such is the way I guess. It is a something for nothing mentality. And in blackjack, that mentality can be met.

Basic strategy is the fastest and easiest way to lower the house edge. And not only can a blackjack player lower the house edge easily, they can lower it significantly.

Blackjack usually starts out with a house edge of 2% to 5% depending on what the house rules are at a particular table or a particular online blackjack game. Basic strategy can lower the house edge to 0.5% without too much effort.

All basic strategy is is a chart with every player starting hand running down the left. Ever dealer up card runs across the top. Where each lien intersects is the best statistical play for that player starting hand versus that dealer up card. All you have to do as a blackjack player is make that play. It really is that easy. All of the math and calculations and testing have already been done.

While the basic strategy chart has the best statistical play it does not mean you will win every single hand in a game of blackjack. However, it will allow you to win more often and, most importantly, lower the house edge to 0.5%